What the Turkish and international public know about headscarves is as divided as the debate on lifting the ban. Not long after winning a landslide reelection victory last July, the mildly pro-Islamic Prime Minister of …
Month: July 2008
“Public” Problems in International Reporting: The Expanding Public Sphere
In the last of a four part series on special topics in journalism ethics, journalismethics.ca’s international reporting team analyzes the issues of nation building and the public interest in communities as diverse as South Africa …
An Insurmountable task? Reporting on AIDS in South Africa
HIV/AIDS is a contentious and sensitive topic to cover anywhere in the world. But reporting on HIV/AIDS in the South African context poses an especially complicated ethical challenge. Politicization of the pandemic, tensions surrounding the …
When public interest and community interests clash: A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reached on November 1st of 1995, the Dayton Peace Agreement is known as the agreement that ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The agreement created an institutional ethnic division in Bosnia through the creation …