The rise of a more partisan news media in the United States has been both hailed and condemned by journalists, media analysts and citizens.
Opinionated TV anchors, “hot talk” radio hosts and in-your-face bloggers have been praised for bringing a new candor to journalism, long repressed by faulty notions of objectivity and neutrality. It is, some say, the welcome return of a free and robust press.
Detractors blame the partisan media for a lack of civility in public life, the decline of informed deliberation, the trumpeting of simplistic and intolerant ‘answers’ to complex problems, and a polarization of the electorate.
The Center for Journalism Ethics invites you to take part in the debate on Friday, April 15 at the Fluno Center on the UW-Madison campus. All are invited — the conference is free for students, and registration is required for everyone. (Separate fee and registration required for the Keynote Lunch.)
Conference sessions will look at the history of the partisan press and its impact today on public broadcasting, nonprofit journalism, and on polls and public opinion. The conference will also explore partisan media in countries outside the USA.
Follow the links below for full details.
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