2012: Ethics & Elections – Media, Money and Power

Keynote – Tom Rosentiel

Tom Rosentiel, Director of The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, talks about the responsibilities of the press in elections.

Session 1 – Fact-Checking Elections

Bill Adair (PolitiFact), Lucas Graves (Columbia University) and Lisa Graves (Executive Director, Center for Media & Democracy) discuss the rise of factchecking and what its emergence says about the larger field of news media.

Session 2 – Political Advertising: The Perils and Promises of the Modern Campaign

Erika Franklin Fowler (Director, Wesleyan Media Project), Lee Wilkins (Missouri School of Journalism) and Charles Franklin (Director, Marquette Law Poll) discuss political advertising in the wake of campaign finance reform, focusing specifically on the scope and impact of political ads and the role of journalists.

Breakout – Tweets and Votes: Elections in a social media age

Kathleen Bartzen Culver (UW-Madison), Ryan Gallentine (Midwest Regional Director, Obama for Action), Thomas Keeley (Keeley Company) and Marc Smith (Connected Action Consulting) focus on the impact of social media on the 2012 election.

Conference Sponsors

Peppy O’Neill


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