The revolution in media has created a revolution in journalism ethics. One area where the ethical revolution is evident is a new emphasis on certain functions of journalism that have long played a secondary role …
Month: April 2012
Ward joins Canadian panel on ethics in digital media
How do organizations worldwide shape social media policies? What ethics should prevail for live-blogging/Tweeting? CJE director Stephen Ward travels to Canada for a panel on current ethical dilemmas in the digital environment.
Another successful journalism ethics conference
A look back at our 2012 conference
Fact-checking a necessary supplement to modern political reporting, panelists say
Fact-checking has emerged in the past decade as a new media phenomenon with roots in traditional journalism. In the “old days,” said Bill Adair of, news outlets and reporters acted as filters for, political …
Negative political advertisements: Not to be dismissed
An American family sits on a sofa listening to well-dressed politicians explain with dark apprehension how their opponent will be the downfall of society. The leaders argue that their own credentials are far superior, citing …
Friends bid farewell to reporter Anthony Shadid
It is hard to describe Anthony Shadid in one word. Speakers at the 2012 Journalism Ethics Conference made that very clear when speaking about Shadid, UW-Madison alumni and former Center for Journalism Ethics advisory board …
Pakistan: Private television reporters flock to scene of plane crash to boost ratings
On Twitter, journalists condemn the exploitation of grieving subjects and dead bodies
Disturbing war photos evoke ethics debate with U.S. military officials
L.A. Times editor felt public interest took precedence over the potential to “incite violence.”
Image ethics: Pulitzer Prize goes to graphic image of crying Afghan girl after suicide-bomber attack.
Well-worn conversations on image ethics adapt to modern media landscape
Many thanks to our conference speakers and participants!
Once again, the Center is grateful for the energy and dedication of all who participated in our 4/13/12 conference, Ethics & Elections: Media, Money & Power in 2012. Special thanks to our technical crew, and …