The presidential election campaign has stirred debate over the role of government, including taxpayer support for public service media. Much coverage has focused on possible cuts to shows like Sesame Street, and its iconic Big Bird. Long-time public broadcaster and executive Bryon Knight reminds us that funding for public media buys us more than Big Bird. It supports a locally based system of public service that is accountable not to advertisers and shareholders. It supports a service accountable to all citizens.
Month: October 2012
New York Times suspends freelancer for Twitter insult
One writer’s Twitter criticism of another leads to suspension, change in NYT social media policy.
Brand Journalism
In this article, journalist Ira Basen asks a pointed question: Is the growing trend of ‘brand journalism’ — corporations producing ‘content’ to promote their brands – good or bad for journalism and the public sphere? Is it ‘really’ journalism, and how do we define journalism anyway? If skilled journalists produce accurate articles for corporation web sites and magazines, who cares if it is not produced by the mainstream news media?
Media ethics among workshops set for Bhutan journalists
Bhutan Media Foundation to hold ten training courses in Oct & Nov; annual conference and media award also scheduled
Anthony Shadid is finalist for National Book Award
The late Anthony Shadid, friend and CJE board member who died in February while on assignment in Syria, is a finalist for the prestigious 2012 National Book Award for nonfiction.
Journalist files ethics complaint against Hawaii County clerk
Among the complaints: Clerk plays favorites with journalists, granting access only to friendly reporters
Belgian scholar argues for “noiseless journalism”
Communications scholar Francois Heinderyckx has some advice for mainstream news media: If they wish to survive the roiling media revolution, strive for ‘noiseless’ journalism. That is, distinguish yourself in a noisy world of multiple channels …
The CJE, through its director, is helping Guatemalan journalists improve their news media system. The director travelled to Guatemala in July to meet with urban and rural journalists, and with journalism educators. The journalists and educators are discussing media reform with local civic groups such as Centro Civitas.
Federal court: Political operatives aren’t entitled journalist’s privilege
Political website author fined by Maine ethics commission; court upholds.
South African press code strengthened
Press Council adds 3 appendices to promote ethical journalism