2014: Surveillance, Security and Journalism Ethics

Keynote – Eric Lichtblau

Keynote speaker Eric Lichtblau talks about journalism, national security and the “right to know.”

Session 1 – Protecting Sources and Data in a Surveillance Environment

Brant Houston (University of Illinois), Jonathan Stray (Associated Press) and Marisa Taylor (McClatchey DC) discuss protecting data and resources in a surveillance environment.

Session 2 – Ethical Bounds of Tools for Watching, Scraping and Sensing

John Keefe (WNYC), Fergus Pitt (Tow Center at Columbia University) and Sisi Wei (ProPublica) discuss the ethics of surveillance by media.

Radical Rethink – Do New Security Challenges Require New Norms?

Jay Rosen (New York University), Gabriel Schoenfeld (Hudson Institute) and Stephen Ward (University of Oregon) discuss whether the surveillance environment requires new norms.

Conference Sponsors

Peppy O’Neill
Carol Toussaint


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