The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Journalism Ethics seeks applications for the first national Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Shadid died in 2012 while crossing the Syrian …
Month: January 2014
Learning from Grantland’s Dr. V story: When reporting for a niche loses context in the grips of a network effect
Much has already been written about the ethical questions raised in the wake of Grantland’s January 15th story by Caleb Hannan entitled Dr. V’s Magical Putter. The article itself has been updated to include a letter …
Testing school security, KSDK-TV reporter triggers lockdown
It may be a case of the end justifying the means. If so, which end matters more: Exposure of a significant security flaw at a local high school, or the stress and expense brought on …
Sorry, but making a few edits to a copyrighted photograph doesn’t give you the right to claim the image as your own.
Editing and filtering images has never been easier. Even those that find Photoshop too much of a challenge can dabble with image editing using simple tools built into apps like iPhoto and Instagram. But …