Q & A with Chris Wells: Trump as a Media Mastermind

Chris Wells is an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His latest work, published in Political Communication, examines the many strategies Donald Trump used to generate news coverage. …

Don’t look to flash polls to determine a debate winner

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”8368″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/billy3001/29700252374/in/photolist-MfvyhN-NdaZc2-N5Bhiv-N5BgHx-Mfvr3h-N5Bg22-MKYTC9-Mfvqt1-M883Yd-M7BMVz-M75nDw-MWdepD-M75nbh-M79qFz-MWdcbF-LRHWnU-MmFkB7-MAXv2e-MJk1Jv-MAXri2-MAXaAR-Myh5wJ-LLXeT8-LLXcc6-MfHZGs-LKdPaS-LJnvFR-MvGtX1-LHi7xG-MtfZew-LFCdDd-MCTsme-Mzo2tq-KsRYdg-KWZJvv-Ksfjyf-KTnGpa-KTnFfg-KTnDWV-JWNgLb-KsfeJf-KJ556J-JWNb87-Ksf7JJ-Ksf4wG-JX2jhB-KTnnwF-KQzd7U-JWN4jN-KQza8Y”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hours after the first presidential debate of 2016 concluded, Republican nominee Donald Trump took to Twitter to proclaim his victory. “Thank You! Four new #DebateNight Polls with the …

Editing Trump’s words

Last Friday, The Washington Post published video footage from 2005 of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump making crude remarks about his seemingly unwelcome advances on women. The reporting following the video’s publication prompted Poynter to take …