Thanks to all for an excellent conference!

you can review the 4/5/13 journalism ethics conference here:

conference online via streaming video, liveblogging and interactive Q&A


What happened on Friday 4/5/13?

photo by Jentri Colello

Award-winning investigative reporter Lowell Bergman delivered our keynote speech, and we presented this year’s Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics.

audience at keynote speech by Lowell Bergman, journalism ethics conference 3/5/13
Reaction to Lowell Bergman’s riveting keynote speech/Photo by Jentri Colello

This years panelists included media consultant Teresa Alpert, CBC producer Ira Basen, media historian James Baughman, CNBC senior correspondent Scott Cohn, CJE’s Katy Culver, journalism law expert Robert DrechselAndy Hall of WisconsinWatch, Lorie Hearn of inewsource, investigative journalist Brant Houston, NBC senior VP Greg Hughes, media consultant and Kent State professor Karl Idsvoog, journalist Mark Pitsch, media scholar Sue Robinson, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jan Schaffer, USA Today’s Owen Ullmann, and journalist and scholar Lee Wilkins. Last year’s practical breakout sessions were a popular addition.  This year we expanding the breakouts to include a and a practical ethics session staged by the Madison chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

students live blogging at journalism ethics converence 4/5/13
UW journalism students liveblogging/photo by Jentri Colello


photo of panel discussion, journalism ethics conference, 4/5/13
Panel on “Attacking the Media”/photo by Jentri Colello



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conference schedule

keynote lunch

Shadid ethics award

speaker and panelist profiles

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