In Your Face: The Ethics of Opinion Journalism

In March, Sun TV News, Canada’s newest all-news TV station, is scheduled to begin broadcasting amid concern it will follow Fox News – feature hosts that are fiercely partisan and opinionated.

Across the border, Americans debate the future of the Fox News model. Will it spread to CNN? Or, did MSNBC, by parting ways with partisan host Keith Olbermann, signal a return to moderate opinion journalism?

The debate is roiled by worries that extreme media destroy civility in public life, perhaps even cause violence. When a gunman shot a congresswoman and others outside a Tucson supermarket in January, some media reports blamed extreme media.

A Librarian reacts to WikiLeaks

Following the release of thousands of classified diplomatic documents, the library community has seemingly embraced WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange as one of our own.

The American Library Association (ALA) which held its annual winter meeting in San Diego in early January saw several resolutions from various internal groups

Ethics lecture draws hundreds

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Anthony Shadid spoke to an overflow crowd at UW-Madison on Dec. 2 for the center’s inaugural ethics lecture. Shadid, a New York Times correspondent in Baghdad and UW alumnus, spoke with passion and candor about “The Truths We Tell: Reporting on Faith, War and the Fate of Iraq.” Shadid’s lecture, the centerpiece of a two-day visit to campus, was organized by the Center for Journalism Ethics and the Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Religions. Many local journalists covered the event, including UW-Madison journalism students from Prof. Stephen Vaughn’s reporting course. The center is pleased to feature three of the students’ stories below.

The Truths We Tell About War

In a conflict zone, a perfect storm of obstacles converge to limit the reporting that occurs before, during, and after the guns have gone silent and the dead have been buried.

Reporters on the ground struggle with the chaos of conflict, access to dangerous areas, conflicting facts and claims, and the limits of their own knowledge and perspective.

This week, one of America’s leading foreign reporters comes to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to speak on reporting war – the war in Iraq.