Jan. 12, 2011, Los Angeles

“The Future of Journalism: News or Entertainment?”

Newspapers in peril, journalists laid off, ethical standards challenged, and the economic basis of mainstream journalism collapsing. Is the future of good journalism a new hybrid of entertainment and news to adapt to the media revolution and new consumers of media?

Join UW-Madison’s Stephen J. A. Ward, alumni leaders in media and fellow Badgers for a talk on the future of journalism. Professor Ward will lead a thought-provoking panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing the media in our rapidly changing economic, social and technological world.

Panelists include:
Ina Jaffe (NPR)
Kelly Kahl (Sr Executive Vice President/Primetime for CBS Television)
Gerry Ruben (long-time local news producer, multiple award winner)
Scott Landsman (Comedy Central)
Abbe Goldman (LA Times/ UCLA Lecturer)

The Future of Journalism: News or Entertainment?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
7:00 p.m. Registration
7:30 p.m. Program, including hors d’oeuvres and cash bar

Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza
251 South Olive Street
Los Angeles

For information, contact UW Alumni Association at http://www.uwalumni.com