Media Ethics is now Media Activism

Upheavals in journalism have bequeathed to journalists a dizzying whirlpool of ethical issues that become the topics of talk shows, academic papers, and conference panels. The focus of these discussions tends to be on how …

The emotions of democratic journalism

Often, when I speak to audiences about impartial, objective journalism, my listeners are skeptical about the very idea. Some say that everyone has biases so objectivity is a myth. Others voice another complaint: An impartial …

Is “democratic media” a quaint memory? Let’s talk

When I asked my colleagues what the topic should be for the ethics center’s conference in April, I received an unambiguous reply: media and electoral politics.

The feeling was unambiguous not only because we are in the middle of a presidential campaign. There was another reason. Many citizens are concerned that the idea of fair and free elections, built upon tough but informative campaigns, and analyzed by fair-minded journalists, was not just an idea under pressure. It was an idea in jeopardy.