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University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Join us Friday April 5 for our 5th annual ethics conference: “Who is Shaping the News?”

Save the date! Our 5th journalism ethics conference will be Friday, April 5, 2013 at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery in Madison, Wisconsin. It will be our biggest conference yet. This year, a distinguished and dynamic group of journalists and scholars will explore “Who is Shaping the News? Academics, Corporations, Critics.”

Award-winning investigative reporter Lowell Bergman will deliver our keynote speech, and we will present this year’s Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics. Panelists include CBC producer Ira Basen, CNBC senior correspondent Scott Cohn, CJE’s Katy Culver, Andy Hall of WisconsinWatch, media scholar Lew Friedland, Lorie Hearn of Investigative Newssource, investigative journalist Brant Houston, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jan Schaffer, journalist and scholar Lee Wilkins, Continue reading

Prof. Ward edits new book on global ethics

On March 18, Wiley-Blackwell will release “the first full-length, truly global textbook on media ethics,” edited by Stephen J.A. Ward. Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives brings together scholars from diverse backgrounds and cultures, who offer real-world insight into the unique challenge of fostering responsible journalism in a changing media world. Continue reading

Friday, April 5 – save the date for our 2013 conference!

The center will hold its 5th annual journalism ethics conference on Friday, April 5, 2013 on the UW-Madison campus.  This year we’ll take an in-depth look at “Who is Shaping the News?”  Our keynote speaker will be investigative journalist Lowell Bergman, who brings decades of knowledge about the inner workings of mass media and their influences.   Check back for more details in the weeks and months ahead!

After September 11 . . . 1973: Chilean Journalism at the Crossroads

On the morning of September 11, 1973, as the jet fighters completed their bombing runs, a column of thick black smoke rose from “La Moneda,” Chile’s presidential palace. Tanks and infantry closed in on the rubble-strewn building in preparation for the final assault. The attackers were Chilean military personnel lead by General Augusto Pinochet, Continue reading

The Ethical Character of Public Broadcasting

The presidential election campaign has stirred debate over the role of government, including taxpayer support for public service media. Much coverage has focused on possible cuts to shows like Sesame Street, and its iconic Big Bird. Long-time public broadcaster and executive Bryon Knight reminds us that funding for public media buys us more than Big Bird. It supports a locally based system of public service that is accountable not to advertisers and shareholders. It supports a service accountable to all citizens. Continue reading