Another successful journalism ethics conference

Thanks to all who attended or tuned into our fourth conference, “Ethics & Elections.”  We had a great turnout and many informative panels and workshops.  A number of local journalists covered the event, including UW-Madison journalism students from Prof. Stephen Vaughn’s reporting course.  The center is pleased to feature stories from students Seth Huiras, Joseph Nistler, and Stephanie Richter.

Read the live blog and watch the conference videos here 

Ethics & Elections graphic

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery  H.F. DeLuca Forum • Madison, Wisconsin

conference sponsors • travel and lodging • keynote lunch • ethics award • speaker and panelist profiles • past conferences • UW-Madison activities on conference weekend

Conference Schedule

8:15 am:

Registration open, main lobby, 330 N. Orchard or 333 N. Charter (map here)

Complimentary coffee, tea, juice, pastries 

8:45 am:                    Welcome and opening comments

Stephen J.A. WardDirector of the Center for Journalism Ethics


9:00am – 10:25am

Session 1: Fact-Checking in an Election Year: Implications for politicians, journalists and voters

Moderator:     Prof. Chris Wells, UW-Madison SJMC



10:25am – 10:35am

Break with complimentary refreshments


10:35am – 11:50am

Session 2: Political Advertising:  The Perils and Promise of the Modern Campaign

Moderator:        Prof. Dhavan Shah, UW-Madison



11:50am – 12:15pm

Break before Keynote Lunch.  Watch historical political television ads from 1952-2008 on the Media Wall in the WID lobby, and explore the beautiful Mesozoic Garden.


12:15pm – 1:30 pm:

Keynote Lunch *Limited seating – tickets must have been purchased in advance *

Keynote Speech: Can Journalists Be Ethical at the Warp Speed of the 2012 Campaign?  by renowned journalist and author Tom Rosenstiel, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism.


1:40pm – 2:40 pm:

Breakout Workshops.  This year CJE is pleased to offer a series of practical workshops for journalists, scholars and the public.

  1. Tweets and Votes: Elections in a Social Media Age • Ryan Gallentine  •  Thomas Keeley  • Marc Smith • Kathleen Culver
  2. Following the Money: Tools for reporters and editors • Bill Lueders
  3. Biting the Hand that Feeds You: Some practical advice for covering political advertising as news • Lee Wilkins


2:45pm – 3:45pm

Session 3: The Truths We Tell: Reporting from Foreign Fields

A Tribute to Anthony Shadid

In February 2012, Anthony Shadid, a UW journalism alumnus and foreign reporter for The New York Times, died from health complications while crossing the Syrian border.  In his honor and memory, the CJE will devote the final session of its conference to Mr. Shadid as a person and a journalist. The session will be a tribute to the life and work of Mr. Shadid and the values that informed his journalism. Part of the session will be a discussion on foreign reporting today – the new challenges that foreign reporters face as they seek to inform a global public.

Speakers will include

Katy Culver, UW-Madison friend and colleague

David Hoffman, contributing editor & former foreign editor, Washington Post

Kayla Johnson, editor-in-chief, The Daily Cardinal

Stephen Ward, UW-Madison friend and colleague


Presentation of the inaugural Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics

In honor of Anthony, a friend of the Center and treasured member of the CJE Advisory Board, our journalism ethics award has been renamed to recognize his commitment to ethical journalism and to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dan Flannery, winner of last year’s ethics award, will present this inaugural award to longtime Wisconsin writer and editor Steve Lovejoy, of the Journal-Times in Racine, Wis.



Thanks and closing remarks

Stephen J.A. WardDirector of the Center for Journalism Ethics

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conference sponsors

conference program

travel and lodging

keynote lunch

ethics award

speaker and panelist profiles

UW-Madison activities on conference weekend

past conferences