How do organizations worldwide shape social media policies? What ethics should prevail for live-blogging/Tweeting? CJE director Stephen Ward travels to Canada for a panel on current ethical dilemmas in the digital environment.
From the CAJ conference description:
“We’ll examine social media as a source, and what ethics should prevail for live-blogging/tweeting. Vancouver riots: B.C. courts ordered Vancouver newsrooms submit all unpublished footage of the June 15 riot. How should newsrooms respond to these court orders? Is this debate changed by the fact that citizens posted photos online in an effort to identify suspects? Reporting when the cat’s out of the bag: How ethically did news organizations report on the Twitter account that chronicled Vic Toews’ messy divorce? Does hiding information people are discussing support or undermine our ethical standards? Discussion featuring Bert Bruser, counsel, Toronto Star, Lisa Taylor, Ryerson University, Stephen J.A. Ward, director, Center for Ethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication, and moderator Ted Fairhurst, law and ethics professor, Centennial College joint journalism program with the University of Toronto Scarborough.”