[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It took a team of about 30 NPR reporters and editors to annotate live transcripts of the 2016 presidential debates, according to Amita Kelly, a reporter on NPR’s politics team. The roster included journalists from politics, …
Fact Checking
Should moderators fact-check the presidential debates? Yes, in moderation
If there is one thing we’ve learned from years of judging at intercollegiate debate tournaments across the country, it is that the best decisions are made when both sides are held to the highest standards …
Retracted Rolling Stone sexual assault story fallout is about more than just poor fact checking
By Dave Wilcox The journalistic failures of Rolling Stone, both ethically and practically, in their reporting of a horrific sexual assault on the campus of the University of Virginia offers a stark example of how wrong things …