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University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Prof. Ward joins National Academy of Sciences panel

Stephen Ward is one of 18 scholars invited to join a two-year study by the National Academy of Sciences. The committee’s task is to study the  “Ethical and Societal Implications of Advances in Militarily Significant Technologies that are Rapidly Changing and Increasingly Globally Accessible,” and ultimately provide advice and policy guidance.  The committee met in Washington, DC on January 12-13, 2012, and will meet again in the spring.  

Conference registration is now closed. Check back for the live stream of “Ethics & Elections: Media, Money and Power in 2012”

In an age of partisan journalism and ‘combat’ politics, is the idea of media helping citizens make informed electoral choices a quaint but outdated notion? Is the ideal of democratic journalism – a journalism that promotes deliberative democracy through accurate reporting and informed analysis — just a reassuring myth?

The fourth journalism ethics conference, to be staged by the Center for Journalism Ethics (CJE) at the beautiful, new Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, examines political campaigning and electoral reporting today, and considers its impact on democracy. Continue reading

3rd Global Media Ethics Roundtable: A meeting of minds

Most scholars, media professionals, and journalists agree that globalization has been responsible for major transformations in the structures of media production and reception. As media worlds get rearranged, it becomes necessary to focus on the ethical principles that underlie media practices and content around the world. The Global Media Ethics Project (GME) Continue reading

Nominations for the 2012 Ethics Award are now closed — thanks to those who nominated!

We are thrilled to announce the nomination call for our third Wisconsin Commitment to Journalism Ethics award, to be presented at CJE’s conference on April 13, 2012. The Wisconsin Commitment to Journalism Ethics Award honors journalists in Wisconsin who have exhibited a strong commitment to responsible journalism in the public interest through their editorial decisions, their journalistic practice, and their stories.

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